Business Ethics

Security, Data Protection and Information Management

As a global intermodal operator, security is a priority for us. Den Hartogh Logistics must have strong and reliable processes in place to assure secure and frictionless trade when moving goods across borders. We want our customers, receivers and border authorities to consider us as trusted partners with regards to the integrity of the cargo, border security and tax & customs procedures.

The companies in Den Hartogh Logistics comply with all provisions for the protection of personal data and request the same from their employees. Within Den Hartogh Logistics there is a GDPR Manager, who oversees the application of this legislation. They support the regional structure & organisation in the application of this legislation locally.

All employees are obligated to respect business secrets and other confidential information of the companies of the Den Hartogh Logistics Group and its business partners. The unauthorized disclosure or use of confidential information is strictly prohibited.

Den Hartogh adopt best practice for the security of own and customer assets.

Company Objectives
With regard to Security, the following Company Objectives have been defined.

  • ·To comply with all required legislation within this subject area.
    To achieve and maintain AEO status for all our Business Units.
  • To achieve high level of cyber security in relation to our ICT systems and infrastructure.
  • To have disaster recovery plans in place for our ICT infrastructure.
  • To achieve a strong commitment by all employees in relation to Security and Data Protection, as well as an appropriate feeling of responsibility for good performances.
  • To always adhere to any agreements made with our business partners, whilst meeting or exceeding their expectations.
  • To be alert on any deviations or potentially dangerous situations, register and openly report these as appropriate.
  • To openly report on achievements and shortcomings.
  • To report security incidents and non-conformances, carry out root cause investigation and use the learnings to prevent reoccurrence.
  • To aim for continual improvements in our Security standards.
  • To always meet applicable legal requirements and technical security provisions such as IMDG, ADR, CFR49, ISPS and other applicable national legislation.
  • To cooperate with authorities, international institutions and organisations in the development and implementation of effective regulations, standards and training.
  • To work closely with our partners to identify the most appropriate way forward, whenever short or long-term issues are caused by changes in geo-political conditions.
  • To avoid and actively reduce security threats.
  • To enhance security not only by utilisation of adequate equipment, procedures and measures, but also by positively influencing every employee’s behaviour.
  • To make each and every employee of Den Hartogh well aware of their duty to actively contribute to achieving these objectives, including training in all aspects of security requirements and implementation. This includes periodic update and refreshment training.
  • The careful handling and protection of the information, property and assets of the group is an obligation of all employees.
  • Ensure our supply chain partners have appropriate systems and controls of the secure management of both physical assets and also data protection.

With regard to this Policy, KPI’s and targets are formally set and periodically reviewed. These are the base for setting our short and long term action plans and captured in the “one page strategy” & “Business Roadmap” within the organisation.