Safety & Health

Safety is our number one priority

We aim to have the highest standards of health and safety for our employees, the sites where we operate, our supply chain and the wider community. That’s why our measures go beyond the legal obligations set upon us by various sets of legislations and regulations. We offer dedicated, regular training programs for our employees, continuously optimise our processes and equipment, and dangerous goods safety advisors and field supervisors are an important part of our team. All these measures contribute towards creating the best possible health and safety culture for the company and everyone involved.

Risk Assessment

For each activity, we carry out a risk assessment to guarantee optimal safety. All sites that are involved in loading, unloading and other operations, are subject to a preliminary safety survey – conducted by our field supervisors. These surveys include a thorough inspection of loading and unloading facilities and regular spot checks. In addition, drivers report to us if they are asked to perform hazardous operations, or if the working site is unsafe (near miss reporting). Operations are not allowed to proceed until the work is declared safe.