EUROPUR Sustainability Campaign

Rotterdam, 15 December 2023 – Den Hartogh is actively spearheading the transition towards a fossil-free future within the logistics sector. Recognizing that part of transport will remain road based, the focus is not only on intermodal shift, but also on decarbonizing the necessary road transport. In a significant milestone, Den Hartogh welcomed its first electric truck in February 2023, marking the first of many to join their fleet. This truck is active in the Rotterdam area for local shunting.

Keeping the momentum, Den Hartogh ordered 4 additional electric trucks in Scandinavia and 1 in the Netherlands. In Sweden, due to the extremely low carbon impact of the grid and the direct charging by solar panels at our customer, the expected emission reduction is close to 100% - compared to diesel trucks..." - Continue reading our brochure.

All initiatives in this campaign are listed below or see our contribution by clicking the folder.